Attitude quotes in english , Attitude shayari in english ,

Attitude quotes in english ,

Killer Boy Status In English ,


I’m 97% Sure You Don’t Likê Me , 

But I’m 100% Sure I Don’t Cāre … 



Attitude quotes in english ,

 Attitude quotes in english 

It’s Okay If You Don’t Líke Mę ,,

Not Everyone Has Goôd Taste😎 



Love Me .? Greãt ,😇

Hate Me.? Evēn Better,😎

Don’t Knów Me ?

Don’t Judgê Me !



Beyond Your Darkñess,,

I’m Your Líght …


 Attitude quotes 

I Have Attitude For Thōse ,

Who Force Me To Show Thêm ..



I Have A New Theory In Lífe ,

What Other People Think Ôf Me ,

Is Truly None Of My Businêss …!



 Attitude quotes 

I Am What Ì Am ,

Your Approval Is Not Needêd ,

And It Wasn’t Never Askęd ….! 



Don’t Hate Mē ,

Just Get To Know Me Fírst ..!



If You Want Me To Contrôl My Temper ,

You Need To Control Yoũr Stupidity..



Be The Best Version Of Your Sēlf



My Lífe ,


My Rulés ,


My Attìtude ..!



Be A Game Changer In Thįs

World Full Of Copy Cåts ..



 Attitude quotes in english 

I May Look Innoceñt 😇 ,

But I May Surely Put Yôu In Trouble ..



I Am What I Âm ,

I Will Never Try To Be Sõme One Else…



My Choices Are Like Fingerprìnts ,,

They Make Me Uniqũe .,,,



Don’t Let The Insecurities Of Others Dull Your Sparklê ,,

Shine Like The Star You Are Borñ To Be …



 Attitude quotes 

Be Bold In What You Stand Før

And Careful What You Fāll For ,,,,



 Attitude shayari in english

Be Strong Believe In Who You Arê ,,

Be Stroñg , Believe In What Yōu Feel ….



Stop Living In Regrēt , Baby,

It’s Not Over Yêt ,


It’s My Attitũde

It’s My Stylê ...


 Attitude quotes in english 

Clap, Clâp, Like You Doñ’t Care ,,

I Know You Carē …. 



How You Gonna Upgrade Mê .?

What’s Higher Than Number Oñe ?



 Attitude quotes 

I’m Up Right Nōw And ,

You Suck Rìght Now …



They Don’t Make Me Wh@t I Am ,

They Just Found Me Like Thįs .. 



 Attitude quotes 

Light Travels Faster Than Soūnd ,

This Is Why Some Peøple ,

Appear Bright Until They Spêak ....



 Attitude quotes 

I’m The Person




Warned You Aboũt ,,😈



Who Cares, I’m Awesôme ,,,



 Attitude shayari in english 

Oh…… I Didn’t Tēll You ,,,

Then It Must Be None Of Yoûr Business,,,



I Try And See Who’s There Oñ ,

The Other End Of The Shāde ..



Too Glam ,

To Give A Damñ ,,,,



 Attitude quotes 

I’m The iPhonē ,


You The Nokía ,,



 Attitude shayari in english 

My Opinions May Have Chañged ,,

But Not The Fact That I Am Rįght ..!



Take Me As I Âm




Watch Mé As I Gø ,,



Mirrors Can’t Tālk , Lucky For Yôu


They Can’t Laugh Eíther ………



If You Think Î Am Bad ,,


                     Then You’re Wrøng ,,


                                                   I’m The Worst 😈..,



Don’t Be A Slave In Heāven ,,


Be A King Of Hêll ……



In The Land Of Gods Añd Monsters ,


I Was An Angêl …….



You Reek Of A Headaché Añd Drama ,

Please Stay Away Frõm Me ,,


 Attitude quotes in english 

Jealousy Is A Terrible Diseāse ,


Get Well Soõn .. 



 Attitude quotes in english

Its My Lifê,




Keep Your Nose Out Ôf It ..


 Attitude quotes in english

I Don’t Have An Attitûde .!


I Have A Personality Yôu Can’t Handlė .!



 Attitude quotes in english

Don’t Be Easy To Defiñe ,

Let Them Wonder About Yôu ,


 Attitude quotes in english

I Don’t Need To Explain My Sēlf 

Because I Know I’m Ríght ..!


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